Yuranga Weerakkody, MD

Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 13.11.2014.

Yuranga Weerakkody, MD

Consultant Radiologist, Integrated Radiology and various private providers, Perth (Австралија)

Сликање на белите дробови Радиологија: пулмонална радиологија“ до „Супспецијалистичка стипендија за торакална слика

Сликање на белите дробови Онколошко сликање Снимање на крвните садови Сликање на траума
Моето искуство
10 години
Може да ја прегледате
Овој специјалист прифаќа педиатриски случаи.
Извештај за консултации
Delivery time
5 работни дена
Видео Консултација
За мене

I am a radiologist with particular sub-specialist expertise in thoracic, vascular and oncological imaging. I completed my radiology training in Australia, New Zealand and France. I am passionate about diagnosing challenging cases and cherish the opportunity to make a positive difference in a person's health outcome.
I am a board member and active contributor to Radiopaedia.org with more than 2,000 article contributions. I am also a managing editor and a collaborator for iOS applications for radiopaedia.org. I am also a reviewer for several international radiology journals.

Искуство и обука
  • June 2017 - Денес
    Consultant Radiologist, Integrated Radiology and various private providers, Perth (Австралија)
  • December 2013 - Денес
    Consultant radiologist, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth (Австралија)
  • January 2013 - Денес
    Fellow, ESTI (European society of thoracic imaging), Lille (Франција)
  • January 2012 - Денес
    Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, Sydney (Австралија)
  • January 2011 - December 2020
    Managing editor (global), Radiopaedia.org, Perth (Австралија)
  • January 2013 - December 2013
    Fellow, ESOR (European school of radiology), Vienna (Австрија)
Лиценци и членства
Член на:
  • Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
  • European Society of Radiology
  • Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
  • European Society of Radiology
Достапни јазици за извештаи

English, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.

Одобренија од други лекари
  • I know Yuranga from his academic work on Radiopaedia.org, he is a great professional with a broad range of knowledge on radiology, specially on thoracic and oncologic imaging.

  • Dr. Weerakkody is a professional radiologist, who's duty is making difficult diagnoses in complicated cases, he is involved in medical students and doctors teaching and is highly respected among colleagues. I know him through collaboration at site Radiopaedia.org, where we together prepared and published scientific and teaching cases.

    Andrei Tsoriev