Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 28.11.2013.
Consultant, "Spirito Santo" Hospital, Pescara (PE) (Италија)
Абдоминална слика • Искусен лекар со докажана историја на работа во индустријата за медицинска пракса. Вешти за магнетна резонанца на тело, медицинско образование, КТ, медицина, ултразвук. Соработува на мултидисциплинарни проекти. Наставник, ментор и активно вклучен во истражување.
"The report I got was very professional, it was exactly what I was expecting from a doctor. It had a comprehensive explanation as well as recommendations moving forward. Many thanks for that! "
(2 оценувања)I am a motivated and energetic radiologist specialising in body imaging (MRI, CT, US). I am a frequent collaborator on multidisciplinary projects aimed at obtaining the best care for the patient. I teach and mentor residents and radiographers and am actively involved in research.
I’m very satisfied with the report. Keep on the good work!
The report I got was very professional, it was exactly what I was expecting from a doctor. It had a comprehensive explanation as well as recommendations moving forward. Many thanks for that!
Roberta Ambrosini, MD, PhD, Prof. има објавено 25+ публикации:
English, Italiano, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.