Natalie Rasgon, MD, PhD, Prof.

Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 29.06.2023.

Natalie Rasgon, MD, PhD, Prof.

Co-Founder, Psychopathology and Allostatic Load Across the Life Span, (PALS) Network, Los Angeles (Соединети Држави)

Психијатар Јас сум професор по психијатрија и акушерство и гинекологија на Универзитетот Стенфорд и имам повеќе од 40 години експертиза во гледањето на пациентите на сите видови ментални болести и повеќекратни коморбидитети, претежно со ендокрини нарушувања и кардиометаболични ризични фактори.

Психијатар Гинеколог Ендокринолог
Моето искуство
16 години
Може да ја прегледате
Blood lab results • Doctor report
Извештај за консултации
Delivery time
7 работни дена
Видео Консултација
За мене

I am a Professor of Psychiatry and Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Stanford University and have over 40 years of expertise in seeing patients with all types of mental illness and multiple comorbidities, mostly endocrine disorders and cardiometabolic risk factors. During my tenure at Stanford University I was an expert in complex diagnostic cases nationally and internationally. I was also a clinical expert for various organizations seeking tertiary care evaluations and opinions across multiple chronic diseases co-morbid with psychiatric disorders.

Искуство и обука
  • October 2016 - Денес
    Co-Founder, Psychopathology and Allostatic Load Across the Life Span, (PALS) Network, Los Angeles (Соединети Држави)
  • September 2016 - Денес
    Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, UCLA, Los Angeles (Соединети Држави)
  • August 2009 - Денес
    Founder/Director, Stanford Women’s Health Component of the Clinical Psychology, Ph.D. Program, Palo Alto University, (Соединети Држави)
  • August 2009 - Денес
    Founder/Director, Stanford Women’s Health Component of the Clinical Psychology, Ph.D. Program, Palo Alto University, (Соединети Држави)
  • August 2009 - Денес
    Founder/Director, Stanford Women’s Health Component of the Clinical Psychology, Ph.D. Program, Palo Alto University, (Соединети Држави)
  • May 2007 - Денес
    Director, Center for Neuroscience in Women’s Health, Stanford University School of Medicine, Los Angeles (Соединети Држави)
  • May 2007 - Денес
    Director, Center for Neuroscience in Women’s Health, Stanford University School of Medicine, Los Angeles (Соединети Држави)
  • September 2012 - November 2013
    Associate Dean, Office of Academic Affairs, Stanford University School of Medicine, (Соединети Држави)
  • March 2009 - December 2011
    Director, Faculty Mentoring Program Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University School of Medicine, (Соединети Држави)
  • March 2009 - December 2011
    Director, Faculty Mentoring Program Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University School of Medicine, (Соединети Држави)
Лиценци и членства
  • A52679, Соединети Држави
Член на:
  • Board of Directors, National Network of Depression Centers (NNDC),
  • Society for Women’s Health Research Science Committee,
  • Special Interest Group member, “Turning a Laser-Focus on Women’s Issues in the Treatment of Anxiety, Depression and Related Disorders,” Anxiety and Depression Association of America,
  • Senior Advisor, “Halving the Burden of ACEs and Toxic Stress in a Generation—California’s Blueprint for an ACEs-Aware Public Health Movement,” California Surgeon General’s report,
  • Women in Endocrinology,
  • Advisory Board Member, International Society for Bipolar Disorder on Women’s Health
Достапни јазици за извештаи

English, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.