Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 31.12.2014.
Associate Professor, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (Австрија)
Снимање на мускулно-скелетниот систем • Скоро 20 години искуство со МРИ. Фокусиран на абдоминална и мускулно-скелетна МНР. Големо европско искуство, активен истражувач, поканет говорник и рецензент за медицински списанија. Уредник на книгата „МНР на коленото: водич за евалуација и известување“.
"I am very positive about the outcome. Well described and quite clear, also for regular human. What we got from the report is more-less the same we got originally. Any, that is also something what we were looking for. Th"
(2 оценувања)I am an internationally renowned specialist in imaging of the joints and the spine. After finishing my radiology residency at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, I worked as a professional researcher for Ultra-high field MR Imaging at the New York University Langone Medical Center, USA, and the University of Ottawa, Canada.
I have written more than 36 articles in international peer-reviewed journals, 7 book contributions, and am the reviewer for a number of medical journals. Currently, I am an Associate Professor at the Medical University of Vienna.
Very happy with the level of detail from the MRI report, it was helpful in deciding what to do next.
I am very positive about the outcome. Well described and quite clear, also for regular human. What we got from the report is more-less the same we got originally. Any, that is also something what we were looking for. Th
English, Deutsch, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.