Heba Ahmed Kamal, MD, Prof.

Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 04.05.2018.

Heba Ahmed Kamal, MD, Prof.

Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis. Kaser El-Aini School of Medicine, Cairo university, Cairo (Египет)

Снимање на мускулно-скелетниот систем Меѓународно признат специјалист за сликање на зглобовите и 'рбетот. Вонреден професор на Медицинскиот универзитет во Виена со научно истражувачко искуство во САД и Канада.

Снимање на мускулно-скелетниот систем
Моето искуство
19 години
Може да ја прегледате
MRI, CT • X-ray • Nuclear Imaging • Doctor report
Овој специјалист прифаќа педиатриски случаи.
Извештај за консултации
Delivery time
2 работни дена
Видео Консултација
За мене

I am an Associate professor at the Radiodiagnosis Department of Kaser El-Aini Hospital of Cairo University. I am also the Head of the Radiology Department at a large private hospital and the Musculoskeletal consultant at a high-tech radiology centre in Cairo.

Speciality areas:
• MRI Arthrography of the wrist joint
• Sports injuries
• Degenerative diseases of the spine and joints
• Fluoroscopy
• Ultrasound (US)
• Breast Ultrasound (US) and Mammography

Прегледи на клиентите
  • 30.08.2023, Anonymous patient

    Very detailed and understandable evaluation, described with lots of details. Many thanks

  • 01.12.2022, Anonymous patient

    Super fast and thorough diagnosis!

Искуство и обука
  • March 2021 - Денес
    Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis. Kaser El-Aini School of Medicine, Cairo university, Cairo (Египет)
  • June 2015 - Денес
    Chief Musculoskeletal Consultant, Tahra Radiology Center (large multi-modality private radiology center), Cairo (Египет)
  • May 2011 - Денес
    Head, Radiology Department, EL-Gazira Hospital (large private hospital), Cairo (Египет)
  • January 2010 - Денес
    Musculoskeletal Consultant, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Kaser El-Aini School of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo (Египет)
  • January 2010 - January 2016
    Lecturer, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Kaser El-Aini School of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo (Египет)
  • January 2011 - January 2013
    Executive Manager, Heliopolis branch, Cairo Scan, Cairo (Египет)
  • January 2009 - January 2013
    Radiology Consultant, Cairo Scan Radiology Center, Cairo (Египет)
  • September 2004 - August 2010
    PhD, Radiodiagnosis, Kaser El-Aini Hospital, Cairo University, Cairo (Египет)
  • January 2004 - January 2010
    Assistant Lecturer, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Kaser El-Aini School of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo (Египет)
  • January 2006 - January 2009
    Radiology Specialist, Cairo Scan Radiology Center, Cairo (Египет)
  • March 2000 - May 2004
    Master Degree, Radiodiagnosis, Kaser El-Aini Hospital, Cairo University, Cairo (Египет)
  • October 1998 - October 1999
    Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, School of Medical, Cairo University, Cairo (Египет)
Лиценци и членства
  • 2511, Египет
Член на:
  • Corresponding member in ECR (European Congress of radiology)
  • Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
  • Egyptian Journal Of Radiology And Nuclear Medicine
Достапни јазици за извештаи

English, العربية, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.