Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 20.06.2013.
SINAPSE Chair of Clinical Radiology and Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologist, Edinburgh Imaging and Department of Radiology NHS Lothian Health Board, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (Обединето Кралство)
Сликање на срцето • Меѓународно познат експерт за минимално-инвазивна хирургија на 'рбетот и интервентна терапија за болка, кој одржал предавања низ целиот свет. Медицински директор во EuroPainClinics, европски претседател на Здружението за интервенции на 'рбетот, магистерски инструктор за здружението за интервенција…
"I was very satisfied with the provided service in all its aspects. First of all I appreciate how easy it was for me as an end-user (not good in an IT matters) to send the radiology pictures to the respective doctor. Also short report on successful payment and other reports about progress of works ensured me about credibility of this portal. The report from Professor Edwin van Beek was clear and easily to be understood also for me as a non-medical person. I feel that I got from Professor van Beek all information that I sought and even more. The report from Professor van Beek exceeded my expectations. I would like to thank Professor van Beek for his work, his opinion and his comprehensive report. Monika Cambalikova, Slovakia "
(8 оценувања)I have been working in the field of diagnostic imaging since 1990, first for PhD in the diagnosis and management of pulmonary embolism and subsequently undergoing Radiology training.
I moved to the UK in 1999 and established a PET service as well as a pulmonary MRI programme. In 2004, I moved to the USA, where I worked as a professor in Radiology, Medicine and Biomedical Engineering. I set up a cardiac CT programme there and was heavily involved in cardiac and pulmonary imaging research.
In 2009, I took up my current position as Chair of Clinical Radiology and Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologist at the University of Edinburgh. My main interests are lung diseases, pulmonary vascular disorders and cardiac diseases, including oncological chest diagnoses.
Fast communication, the doctor confirmed what I thought.
Very quick turnaround. Answered all my questions very clearly
The review met my expectations and I am satisfied with it
Edwin van Beek, MD, PhD, Prof. има објавено 100+ публикации:
English, Nederlands, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.