Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 19.07.2019.
Medical Director, Amethyst Radiotherapy Vienna Private Clinic, Charité University Berlin, Vienna (Австрија)
Онколог за зрачење • Искусен радиолог фокусиран на белодробни, генитоуринарни и тумори на коските и меките ткива со повеќе од 15 години искуство. Поранешно искуство во Итна радиологија и сликање на дојка.
I am a Senior Consultant in Radiation Oncology with 19 years of experience. I offer expert opinions about the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. I focus on high-precision stereotactic radiotherapy of tumours of the brain, lung and prostate, as well as metastases.
After graduating from the Medical University of Vienna, I completed a radiation oncology fellowship at the Charité University Clinic Berlin. In 2007, I returned to Austria after being offered a position as a Consultant at the Radiation Oncology department in Wiener Neustadt where a Cancer Center and the proton therapy facility MedAustron was under construction. In 2013, I founded the Oncology Practice „Praxis Margareten“ in Vienna focusing on the interdisciplinary treatment of cancer.
Next to treating my patients, I attend advisory boards for cancer therapy, teach fellow doctors, and implement new radiotherapy techniques. I publish papers, write chapters for medical books, and teach applied sciences at the university.
I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a possibility of consultation, where my health problem is reviewed in normal language that I can understand and I can make a decision based on it. A huge THANK YOU DOCTOR and all members of the diagnose.me team.
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