Christopher R. Hancock, MD, Asst. Prof.

Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 26.11.2014.

Christopher R. Hancock, MD, Asst. Prof.

Assistant Professor of Radiology, MCG, UM, UCI, Palm Desert (Соединети Држави)

Неврорадиолог Сертифициран од Американскиот борд за радиологија во областа на Дијагностичката радиологија и Неурорадиологијата и завршил дополнителна резиденција, како и стипендии во Неурорадиологија и Мускулоскелетална радиологија на Универзитетот во Мајами.

Неврорадиолог Снимање на мускулно-скелетниот систем
Моето искуство
17 години
Може да ја прегледате
MRI, CT • Ultrasound • X-ray • Nuclear Imaging • Blood lab results • Doctor report • Tumor biopsy material
Овој специјалист прифаќа педиатриски случаи.
Што клиентите кажуваат за мене

"Thank you for your excellent, detailed report on my brain and your unexpected, report of my neck and for sending it so promptly too. I also appreciate the clarity of the report which was easy to read and the summary being in layman’s terms. It also gives me a better understanding of my symptoms; I also appreciate your general advice to me regarding diabetes etc. And a lot more information than NHS neurologists have ever given me. Thanks P Monti "

(32 оценувања)
Извештај за консултации
Delivery time
5 работни дена
Видео Консултација
За мене

I currently serve as Assistant Clinical Professor of Radiology at the University of California Riverside School of Medicine. I am also a reviewer for The American Journal of Radiology, The Spine Journal, and Neurographics. I completed my fellowships in Neuroradiology and Musculoskeletal Radiology.

I specialise in neuroradiology, orthopaedic/sports medicine imaging, and emergency medicine radiology. My current research interests include investigational regenerative therapies using stem cells and biological tissues, medical imaging of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, multiple sclerosis, and machine learning algorithms in medicine.

Прегледи на клиентите
  • 20.01.2022, Anonymous patient

    Very good description of my diagnose :) I m satsfied. My questions were answered :)

  • 04.02.2021, Anonymous patient

    Clear and understandable.

  • 07.05.2019, Anonymous patient

    Very good

Искуство и обука
  • April 2011 - Денес
    Assistant Professor of Radiology, MCG, UM, UCI, Palm Desert (Соединети Држави)
  • August 2016 - June 2018
    Masters of Business in Healthcare, University of California Irvine, Irvine (Соединети Држави)
  • July 2007 - July 2008
    Neuroradiology Fellowship, Radiology, University of Miami, Miami (Соединети Држави)
  • July 2006 - July 2007
    Musculoskeletal - Orthopedic Radiology Fellowship, Radiology, University of Miami, Miami (Соединети Држави)
  • July 2003 - July 2006
    Diagnostic Radiology Residency, Radiology, University of Miami, Miami (Соединети Држави)
Лиценци и членства
Член на:
  • American College of Radiology
  • Americal Society of Neuroradiology
  • American Society of Spine Radiology
  • American Medical Association
  • California Medical Association
  • Riverside County Medical Association
  • California Radiological Society
Достапни јазици за извештаи

English, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.