Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 11.06.2013.
President Elect, Indian Radiology & Imaging Association, (Индија)
Сликање на срцето • Доцент по радиологија на Медицинскиот факултет Риверсајд на Универзитетот во Калифорнија. Сертифициран и стинепдист при Америчкиот Одбор за Радиологија и обучен за Мускулно-Скелетна радиологија. Активните истражувачки интереси вклучуваат Алцхајмерова болест, матични клетки/регенеративна медицина и…
"Received my review in an easy to understand format. Unfortunately, what I thought was causing my pain apparently isn't. However, the diagnosis helped me in the sense that I will have more information when I go see my regular physician. "
(4 оценувања)I am a practising radiologist with 18 years of experience and have interpreted more than 100,000 CT scans and 75,000 MRI scans in this period. My main interests are chest, musculoskeletal and cardiac radiology and image-guided intervention. Former president of the Indian Radiological and Imaging Association as well as Editor-in-Chief of the prestigious Indian Journal of Radiology & Imaging. Founder of Jankharia Imaging.
Thank you doctor. My best regards -Wojciech Gernand
The report in clear language and all questions adressed. Professional service, I will highly recommend for second opinion.
Received my review in an easy to understand format. Unfortunately, what I thought was causing my pain apparently isn't. However, the diagnosis helped me in the sense that I will have more information when I go see my regular physician.
Bhavin Govindji Jankharia, MD има објавено 25+ публикации:
English, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.