Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на Diagnose.me на 26.05.2017.
Consultant Neuroradiologist, Neuroradiology, Hospital de Braga, Braga (Португалија)
Неврорадиолог • Скоро 20 години и повеќе од 100.000 КТ скенови и 75.000 скенови со МРИ искуство. Поранешен претседател на индиското здружение за радиологија и сликање, како и главен уредник на престижниот индиски весник за радиологија и сликање. Основач на Jankharia Imaging.
I am a senior consultant at an academic hospital, fully dedicated to both diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology. I trained both in Portugal (Centro Hospitalar do Porto) and in the UK (John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford)
In Diagnostic Neuroradiology, my special areas of interest are brain and spine tumours and neurodegenerative, inflammatory and vascular pathologies. I have extensive experience in reading films, including advanced techniques such as perfusion studies.
In Interventional Neuroradiology, I have extensive experience in treating brain and spine aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations, and fistulas. I also have experience in dealing with carotid stenosis and with head and neck low-flow vascular malformations/hemangiomas. I have performed the first endovascular treatments for aneurysms and AV fistulas on Madeira Island, Portugal.
I've been a lecturer at many congresses and courses.
Thank you kindly for your findings. This has given us clarity about the MRI images that we were never allowed to receive.
Again thanks a lot!
English, Português, Português brasileiro, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.