Angelina Vieira dos Santos, MD

Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 03.03.2015.

Angelina Vieira dos Santos, MD

Neuroradiologist, AFFIDEA INTERNATIONAL, Lisbon (Португалија)

Неврорадиолог Речиси 15 години искуство во невро, васкуларна и интервентна радиологија. Фокусиран на тумори на мозокот, мозочен удар, невроваскуларни нарушувања, мултиплекс склероза, деменција и други невродегенеративни нарушувања.

Моето искуство
24 години
Може да ја прегледате
MRI, CT • Ultrasound
Што клиентите кажуваат за мене

"I really appreciate the reports details including arrows pointing to specific areas she addresses. I will send other MRIs that I have had to get a better sense of what is going on in my body. "

(2 оценувања)
Извештај за консултации
Delivery time
10 работни дена
Видео Консултација
Не е понудено.
За мене

I have received training in neuroradiology and have over 20 years of experience. I have also completed a full European course in neuroradiology organised by the European Neuroradiology Society (ESNR). I worked at the Neuroradiology Service of Garcia de Orta Hospital in Almada, Portugal, from 2001 to 2006. During my professional career, I have analysed nearly 200,000 CT scans and 75,000 MRI scans focusing on the brain, spine, head, neck and nervous system. I have vast experience with a variety of diagnostic techniques. In my free time, I am a jazz singer.

Прегледи на клиентите
  • 21.09.2016, Anonymous patient

    I really appreciate the reports details including arrows pointing to specific areas she addresses. I will send other MRIs that I have had to get a better sense of what is going on in my body.

Искуство и обука
  • February 2001 - Денес
    Neuroradiologist, AFFIDEA INTERNATIONAL, Lisbon (Португалија)
  • January 1998
    Medical Degree, Oporto University School of Medicine, Oporto (Португалија)
Лиценци и членства
Член на:
  • 1998: Member of the Order of Physicians
  • 1998: Member of the Order of Physicians
  • 2006: Portuguese Society of Neuroradiology
  • 1998: Member of the Order of Physicians
  • 2006: Portuguese Society of Neuroradiology
  • 1998: Member of the Order of Physicians
  • 2006: Portuguese Society of Neuroradiology
  • Portuguese Society of Neuroradiology
Достапни јазици за извештаи

English, Português, Português brasileiro, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.