Apstiprinājusi Diagnose.me Medicīniskā konsultatīvā padome, datums 22.04.2015
Head of Department, Radiology, Moscow District Vascular Centre, Krasnogorsk, Moscow District (Krievija)
Muskuļu un skeleta sistēmas attēlveidošana • Eksperta pieredze pediatrijas attēlveidošanas, neirovizuālās attēlveidošanas un visa ķermeņa attēlveidošanas jomā. Maskavas rajona asinsvadu centra Radioloģijas nodaļas vadītājs. Stipendija Jeila Medicīnas skolā.
Esmu akadēmiskais muskuloskeletālās un neiroradioloģiskais radiologs ar pieredzi bērnu un ķermeņa attēlveidošanas jomā.
Dr Yakimov sent me a report which included an enlarged image of a section of my x-ray with pointers and a comment, which he had added to precisely explain his concerns. Also Dr Yakimov identified a potential problem that another specialist had diagnosed, which I had not included in my question: this verifies that diagnosis and enables me to take the next steps.
I appreciated the report being done urgently due to another Doctor returning the case. Thank you
I was very happy with my specialist. They presented me with a prompt detailed report and they were very engaged throughout the entire process. They were able to answer any question I had and supplied me with any technical information I asked for.
English, Русский, pieskaitot 22 valodas ar medicīnisko tulkojumu