Approved by Medical Advisory Board on 26 Nov 2013
Professor of Diagnostic Imaging & Senior Radiologist, University of Rome Tor Vergata Medical School (PTV), Rome (Italy)
Snimanje srca • 30 godina iskustva sa medicinskim imidžingom. Međunarodno iskustvo stečeno u Italiji, Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i Kanadi. Fokusiran na kardiotorakalna patološka stanja i difuzne plućne bolesti kao i tumore.
"I have a diagnosis of connectivitis. My doctors have many difficults to help me. So I contacted to have a second opinion about my two CT scans performed in the last months. Professor Sergiacomi was very careful and accurate in describing my clinical situation, with a detailed evaluation of imagings and particular advices for the disease follow-up. I will contact him and the staff for my health needs in the future. Thank you so much. Kind regards. Anna"
(2 reviews)Imam međunarodno iskustvo u radiološkoj dijagnostici, u Italiji, SAD-u i Kanadi. Fokusiran na kardio-torakalnu patologiju sa užom specijalizacijom za difuzne plućne bolesti, karakterizaciju neoplazme, te NSLC screening testove.
Imam veliko iskustvo u kliničkim ispitivanjima i multidisciplinarnim studijama.
I thank Professor Sergiacomi for the careful description of my CT imaging. It is the second time that I contact to get opinion about my health. I never did find an expert and accurate radiologist like Professor Sergiacomi.
I have a diagnosis of connectivitis. My doctors have many difficults to help me. So I contacted to have a second opinion about my two CT scans performed in the last months. Professor Sergiacomi was very careful and accurate in describing my clinical situation, with a detailed evaluation of imagings and particular advices for the disease follow-up. I will contact him and the staff for my health needs in the future. Thank you so much. Kind regards. Anna
Gianluigi Sergiacomi, MD, PhD, Prof. has published 50+ publications:
English, Italiano, Español, plus 22 languages with medical translation