Approved by Medical Advisory Board on 31 May 2013
Head of Radiology Chair and Department, Radiology, University Hospital of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow (Russia)
Abdominal imaging • Jedan od vodećih evropskih radiologa s preko 30 godina iskustva. Bivši predsjednik Evropskog kongresa radiologa i aktuelni predsjednik Ruskog društva za radiologiju.
"Words cannot describe just how brilliant my experience with diagnose,me was, I will try: It was easy to do (which is saying something for a techno dinosaur like myself), the response was quick (much, much quicker than local doctors), the feedback from the doctor was comprehensive and thorough...but, more importantly than all of this: he picked up something that none of the other doctors have noticed in over four years of me having pain and having seen nearly 30 specialists in my own country. I am incredibly grateful and wish I could give Doctor Sinitsyn a big thank you hug! From now on, if I ever need any medical diagnosis I will get Dr. Sinitsyn to give a second was invaluable."
(41 reviews)Trenutno sam predsjednik Ruskog društva za radiologiju i šef Odjela za radiologiju Federalnog centra za liječenje i rehabilitaciju u Moskvi. Također sam Šef katedre za Radiologiju na Državnom univerzitetu Lomonosov u Moskvi a radiologiju predajem od 1996. godine. U periodu od 2012. do 2014. godine, bio sam predsjednik Evropskog društva za kardioradiologiju a 2014. godine sam bio predsjednik Evropskog kongresa radiologa. Također sam bio predsjednik Ruskih državnih radioloških kongresa 2011. i 2015. godine a počasni sam član Američkog koledža za radiologiju (FACR).
Rad mog odjela pokriva sve veće obasti radiologije. Moje iskustvo također pokriva teleradiologiju, torakalnu i kardijalnu radiologiju, abdominalnu i radiologiju male zdjelice, neuroradiologiju, radiologiju glave i vrata, kostiju i zglobova, onkološku i urgentnu radiologiju.
Autor sam ili koautor osam knjiga, preko 120 medicinskih publikacija, poglavlja knjiga, udžbenika. Jedan sam od najcitiranijih ruskih radiologa. U svojstvu pozvanog predavača sam predavao na mnogim državnim i međunarodnim konferencijama. 2011. sam dobitnik laureata Ruske državne nagrade za nauku i obrazovanje. Član sam Medicinskog savjetodavnog odbora za
Profesor, doktor medicine, doktor nauka, FACR, EBCR.
Thank you very much Dr. Valentin Sinitsyn, MD, PhD, Prof.. I appreciate your opinion and the time you devoted to my health problem. Once again, thank you very much, I will continue to consult your assessment of my health condition with professional medical specialists. Your opinion is highly professional and comprehensible even for a layman.
I am very grateful for the quick and especially very thorough assessment from Dr. Sinitsyn, where he provided not only a detailed description of the displayed pathologies, but also recommendations for further solutions/investigations. This report even described the findings that were omitted from the original report of the radiology clinic and thus gave me a chance for a proper early examination and solution. Thank you very much!
Second time applying to dr sinitsyn for a second opinion. And consistently with the first time he was very thorough in his report and answered the additional questions quickly and in a detailed manner. Excellent choice for a second opinion on radiology
Valentin Sinitsyn, MD, PhD, Prof. has published 100+ publications:
English, Русский, plus 22 languages with medical translation