Approved by Medical Advisory Board on 18 Oct 2013
Professor Emeritus, Imaging Sciences Rochester NY USA, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA (United States of America)
Pedijatrijsko snimanje • Međunarodni stručnjak u pedijatrijskoj radiologiji sa više od 45 godina iskustva. Školovao se na Sveučilištu u Bostonu, Harvard Medical School i Sveučilištu Erasmus u Rotterdamu.
"This feedback was important to us as it was related to my daughter who was initially wrongly diagnosed with osteoid osteoma. though another doctor in Hongkong did question the initial diagnosis of osteoid osteoma; we were still searching for another independent opinion from a relevant specialist in the field. proved useful in this context as it helped clear our doubts."
(5 reviews)Imam više od 45 godina međunarodnog iskustva u akademskom pedijatrijskom snimanju na visokoj razini. Rođen sam u Amsterdamu u Nizozemskoj, a 1978. sam završio medicinu na Sveučilištu u Bostonu, SAD. Kasnije sam završio specijalizaciju za dječju radiologiju na Harvard Medical School i na Klinici za dječje bolesti Medicinskog centra, Boston, SAD. Nakon toga, 1991. godine, doktorirao sam na Sveučilištu Erasmus u Rotterdamu, Nizozemska. Od tada sam pedijatar radiolog, sa napisanih 8 knjiga i više od 120 članaka.
Trenutačno sam profesor i glavni radiolog u Golisano dječjoj bolnici u okviru Medicinskog centra Sveučilišta Rochester (URMC). Također sam radio kao predsjednik Odjela za radiologiju na Sveučilišnom medicinskom centru (UMC) u Nijmegenu i izvanredni profesor radiologije na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta Harvard.
The doctor answered very quickly and the answer was exactly like the initial result and another opinion of my neurologic therapist.
Thank you - your report was very helpful.
This feedback was important to us as it was related to my daughter who was initially wrongly diagnosed with osteoid osteoma. though another doctor in Hongkong did question the initial diagnosis of osteoid osteoma; we were still searching for another independent opinion from a relevant specialist in the field. proved useful in this context as it helped clear our doubts.
Johan Gerard Blickman, MD, PhD, Prof. has published 100+ publications:
English, Nederlands, plus 22 languages with medical translation