Gianluigi Sergiacomi, MD, PhD, Prof.

Kinnitatud meditsiininõukogu poolt kuupäeval 26.11.2013

Gianluigi Sergiacomi, MD, PhD, Prof.

Professor of Diagnostic Imaging & Senior Radiologist, University of Rome Tor Vergata Medical School (PTV), Rome (Itaalia)

Südame piltuuringud Üle 30-aastane pildidignostika kogemus. Rahvusvaheline kogemus Itaalias, Ameerika Ühendriikides ja Kanadas. Keskendub südame ja rindkere patoloogiatele ja difuusetele kopsuhaigustele ja -vähile.

Südame piltuuringud Kopsude piltuuringud
Minu kogemus
24 aastat
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"I have a diagnosis of connectivitis. My doctors have many difficults to help me. So I contacted to have a second opinion about my two CT scans performed in the last months. Professor Sergiacomi was very careful and accurate in describing my clinical situation, with a detailed evaluation of imagings and particular advices for the disease follow-up. I will contact him and the staff for my health needs in the future. Thank you so much. Kind regards. Anna"

(2 arvustust)
Konsultatsiooni aruanne
Saatmise aeg
3 tööpäeva
ei pakuta

Mul on rahvusvaheline kogemus diagnostilise pildinduse alal Itaalias, USAs ja Kanadas. Keskendun kardiotorakaalpatoloogiale, eriti difuussele kopsuhaigusele, neoplasmade iseloomustamisele ja mitteväikerakk-kopsuvähi sõeltestidele.
Mul on laialdased kogemused kliinilistes ja multidistsiplinaarsetes uuringutes.

Kliendi arvustused
  • 22.08.2016, bapi

    I thank Professor Sergiacomi for the careful description of my CT imaging. It is the second time that I contact to get opinion about my health. I never did find an expert and accurate radiologist like Professor Sergiacomi.

  • 03.07.2015, Anonüümne patsient

    I have a diagnosis of connectivitis. My doctors have many difficults to help me. So I contacted to have a second opinion about my two CT scans performed in the last months. Professor Sergiacomi was very careful and accurate in describing my clinical situation, with a detailed evaluation of imagings and particular advices for the disease follow-up. I will contact him and the staff for my health needs in the future. Thank you so much. Kind regards. Anna

Kogemused ja väljaõpe
  • Jaanuar 2000 - Täna
    Professor of Diagnostic Imaging & Senior Radiologist, University of Rome Tor Vergata Medical School (PTV), Rome (Itaalia)
  • Detsember 1990 - Detsember 1992
    Visitor Professor, Massachussets General Hospital, Boston (Ameerika Ühendriigid)
Tegevusload ja liikmesusi
  • SIRM (Italian Society of Medical Radiology)
  • RSNA (Radiological Society of North America)
  • ESTI (European Society of Thoracic Imaging
  • ESMRMB ( Eur.Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology
  • SIRM (Italian Society of Medical Radiology)
  • RSNA (Radiological Society of North America)
  • ESTI (European Society of Thoracic Imaging
  • ESMRMB ( Eur.Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology
  • SIRM (Italian Society of Medical Radiology)
  • RSNA (Radiological Society of North America)
  • ESTI (European Society of Thoracic Imaging
  • ESMRMB ( Eur.Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology
  • SIRM (Italian Society of Medical Radiology)
  • RSNA (Radiological Society of North America)
  • ESTI (European Society of Thoracic Imaging
  • ESMRMB ( Eur.Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine & Biology

Gianluigi Sergiacomi, MD, PhD, Prof. on avaldanud 50+ publikatsiooni:

Aruande keeled

English, Italiano, Español, + 22 meditsiinilise tõlke keeled