Kinnitatud meditsiininõukogu poolt kuupäeval 26.11.2013
Professor of Diagnostic Imaging & Senior Radiologist, University of Rome Tor Vergata Medical School (PTV), Rome (Itaalia)
Südame piltuuringud • Üle 30-aastane pildidignostika kogemus. Rahvusvaheline kogemus Itaalias, Ameerika Ühendriikides ja Kanadas. Keskendub südame ja rindkere patoloogiatele ja difuusetele kopsuhaigustele ja -vähile.
"I have a diagnosis of connectivitis. My doctors have many difficults to help me. So I contacted to have a second opinion about my two CT scans performed in the last months. Professor Sergiacomi was very careful and accurate in describing my clinical situation, with a detailed evaluation of imagings and particular advices for the disease follow-up. I will contact him and the staff for my health needs in the future. Thank you so much. Kind regards. Anna"
(2 arvustust)Mul on rahvusvaheline kogemus diagnostilise pildinduse alal Itaalias, USAs ja Kanadas. Keskendun kardiotorakaalpatoloogiale, eriti difuussele kopsuhaigusele, neoplasmade iseloomustamisele ja mitteväikerakk-kopsuvähi sõeltestidele.
Mul on laialdased kogemused kliinilistes ja multidistsiplinaarsetes uuringutes.
I thank Professor Sergiacomi for the careful description of my CT imaging. It is the second time that I contact to get opinion about my health. I never did find an expert and accurate radiologist like Professor Sergiacomi.
I have a diagnosis of connectivitis. My doctors have many difficults to help me. So I contacted to have a second opinion about my two CT scans performed in the last months. Professor Sergiacomi was very careful and accurate in describing my clinical situation, with a detailed evaluation of imagings and particular advices for the disease follow-up. I will contact him and the staff for my health needs in the future. Thank you so much. Kind regards. Anna
Gianluigi Sergiacomi, MD, PhD, Prof. on avaldanud 50+ publikatsiooni:
English, Italiano, Español, + 22 meditsiinilise tõlke keeled