Diagnose.me es una plataforma en línea que se dedica a la reducción del riesgo de diagnósticos erróneos, conectando a millones de pacientes con los mejores especialistas de todo el mundo. Aunque no es un proveedor de atención médica, Diagnose.me se ocupa de los problemas de salud sensibles.
Para garantizar el más alto nivel de servicio a nuestros pacientes y también apoyar plenamente las necesidades de nuestros especialistas, hemos creado nuestro Consejo Asesor Médico en la que somos muy afortunados de tener 10 líderes mundiales en medicina.
Diagnose.me es un servicio muy profesional internacional con especialistas de todo el mundo. Desplazándose por los radiólogos que ofrecen sus servicios en Diagnose.me es como explorar lo quién-is-quién en radiología.
This platform is really aiming for global public. We can serve patients in more than 20 languages and this is distinguishing us from other types of services.
It’s completely new approach to the world of second opinion. Service is extremely opened, friendly and honest. I know that more and more patients are looking for second opinion and advice.
Es todo sobre la potenciación del paciente. Diagnose.me ayuda a los pacientes a obtener el control sobre la situación y nosotros como radiólogos nos convertimos en defensores del paciente.
I really think that there is a need for it for second opinions. There is no other website which can give you the same quality as Diagnose.me can give.
I really think that there is a need for it for second opinions. There is no other website which can give you the same quality as Diagnose.me can give.
Diagnose.me provides a global network of specialists in different medical fields and offers simple access to professional medical diagnoses and treatment recommendations for everyone.
Diagnose.me offers a second medical opinion from specialists worldwide and I believe that this innovative service will significantly impact healthcare for people everywhere.
Diagnose.me is the perfect platform for getting a second opinion in challenging diagnoses with a fast response to the questions. It allows easy access for patients and treating specialists to seek clarification of findings, recommendations and understanding of the disease, which results in the best outcome for the patient.
Diagnose.me is a significant improvement on the old way of doing things when patients had to travel to a practitioner or hospital to get a second opinion. It is an important service for patients and is becoming part of the care management routine since the diagnoses are reviewed by experts, who give valuable advice to ensure the best clinical outcomes, free of wasted steps or expenses.